Sunday, 15 March 2009

Speed up your broadband connection NOW!

"Microfilters are used to eradicate crackling on your ADSL enabled phone line by preventing the ADSL signal reaching your telephone handsets. You will need one Microfilter for each piece of telephone equipment connected to your ADSL enabled telephone line, including your Sky box."

iPlate greatly enhances your broadband connection - fantastic reviews. I just bought one after reading it on a Twitter post by D. Belshaw (Thanks!).

I'll post my own review when I get it installed (see post below).


Anonymous said...

Rather than fitting the i-plate thingy, you may want to just try removing the bell wire first, it's easy to remove (and re-fit again) if you do get problems... I did after reading this blog: last weekend and it made an instance difference of about 700K on speedchecker (if you Google there's a few more references).

Been enjoying your blog for a while thanks!! said...

Hi Jimmy_uk,

Thank you for the tip, I will try that as well : ) see which one is the fastest!

Thank you for reading the blog.
