Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Model Answers (Blue Peter Style)

We are big fans of visual apporaches to learning and this technique uses it to brilliant effect.

When you have completed a unit, get students to create a 3D model to represent the topic. The idea is to create the shape and fill it with words and phrases to help make sense of the topic. The beauty of a 3D model is that it has sides and surfaces that can mean different things.

For example, a Physics unit on 'Producing Electricty' could be represented by a model of battery (without a bottom). You could write about types of current on the inside and ways of making electricity on the outside.

Or, use flaps! If you require a set of information and then a layer underneath. For example, if you are doing a character study in English Literature and want to show two views (e.g. good and bad side of Frankenstein) then layer two images one on top of the other and add a set of words to each one, adding symbols and images to aid the memory.

The idea is to connect a process and creativity (i.e. thinking) with knowledge. This helps students to remember and make sense of a topic

Read more at Staffroomproject.com

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