Sunday, 5 October 2008

If you want to learn how to make your own interactive diagrams like the ones you can buy online then try the tutorials listed below. They will show you how to make a double-bubble diagram which you then can tweak to create pretty much any diagram that you want e.g. Venn, Fishbone diagram and so on. You need to enter a password to be able to use them: flashforteachers

Interactive Diagram Part I: The Diagram This tutorial shows you how to set up the layout of the actual diagram. It will also teach you to create graphics and other specific features of Flash.

Interactive Diagram Part II: Make it work!

This is the final part of creating interactive diagrams. After you have completed the tutorial you will be able to create a variety of different diagrams - imagination is everything.

Interactive Diagram Part III: Create a 'Show Answer' button

You can modify the diagram to work even better by for example including a Show nswer/Example button. This feature is kind of like the Hint button you created in Part II, but this one only appears when students hover their cursor over the button. Excellent way to show an 'ideal answer'. Can you think of other ways of using this script?

Hope you find these flash tutorials useful.

Best wishes,

Johannes Ahrenfelt

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